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Critical Thinking and Problem Solving in Macroeconomics


This course has helped me develop my critical thinking and problem solving undergraduate competency. While researching my topic I was able to determine the significance of information by assessing its biases and authenticity. For example, I purposefully avoided using any newspaper articles or blog posts that discussed the economic impact of the World Cup without referencing economic models. I also excluded biased reports from consulting firms that were always in favour of hosting the event using inaccurate models of projections. In addition, with the help of my professor, I was able to ask questions and challenge the information I read which broadened my perspective on the topic. It also provided me with a platform to analyze the various sources and come up with my own recommendation and solution to the economic issue. I take great pride in the new perspectives and critical thinking lens that I gained from this class because it really transformed the way I think.


I chose the opinion piece of the mini-research paper as an artifact of my undergraduate competency development. This artifact illustrates my critical thinking and problem solving skills because of the high quality recommendations and in depth discussion of the economic impacts of the World Cup.

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